A blog about computer graphics and my other interests

A Vulkan + Dear ImGui Sandbox

Overview For my first technical post I wanted to write about a topic that I have been trying to improve myself in for quite some time - Vulkan. Compared to other APIs that interface with GPUs, Vulkan chooses to be overly explicit to give programmers full control of how their application behaves. This extra verbosity makes the API very appealing for writing high-performance applications, because the device driver will have to deal with less overhead when running the appliction on the GPU.

Hello! :)

Thanks for being here! As this is my first blog post, I would like to introduce myself and set the expectations of what you, the reader, can expect from this blog. Who Am I? My name is Tim Stullich and I am a Software Developer based out of Berlin, Germany. I started off my journey in Computer Science when I began my Bachelor’s studies at San Jose State University in 2010.